Discussion With James Partee

James PictureOn the job for just over a year, James Partee has hit the ground running.  As Director of the Neighborhood Security Initiative in the Central West End, James has overseen a 13% drop in overall crimes, improved communication between the public and enforcement officers and greater security coverage of the area at a lower cost .

With a year under his belt we wanted to talk with him his about his experiences thus far and   what he has planned for the future…

“Even with the relative success we have seen thus far, we need to continue improving security for residents and business owners in the area. For 2010, we hope to have a full circuit video surveillance coverage for all the taxing districts, continue to see a drop in nuisance crimes, further our education programs for both residents and visitors about how to avoid being a victim and strengthen our schedule for security coverage between police districts and supplemental security.”

James also touched on the involvement of WUMCRC in the security initiative…

“Not only does the success of our initiative weigh on the monetary support provided by WUMCRC, but the overall, everyday support that they provide us is crucial to the program. The entire Central West End/Midtown area benefits from this program, and I know it would not be as prevalent or successful without the help of WUMCRC.”

Thanks to James’ hard work and the entire CWENSI staff, the neighborhood safety continues to improve and we look forward to increased success of the initiative.

Previous Resident Spotlight: Diane Ottinger

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